Good Friday to You, 
This Sunday is my absolute favorite day of the year…New Year’s Day! It’s not because of a party, activity, or tradition. It’s not because of the weather. It’s not because I am constantly trying to escape my past. It’s not because of my amazing New Year’s Resolutions (I can’t think of one I actually kept). It’s definitely not because of black-eyed peas or any other supposed luck-inducing foods. 
New Year’s Day is my favorite because it is The Day we consider what could be! 
Thinking about potential is my favorite pastime! I see potential in abandoned houses, businesses, communities, rusty cars, broken toys…the list goes on and on. Most importantly, I constantly think about the potential in people! My friends and our staff often tease me about the “Michael stare.” Please forgive me for those times I don’t “look away” enough, but the truth is that I am often imagining what could be. 
If you want to energize me…ask me to have a strategic conversation with you about your potential! If you want to frustrate me…do little to nothing with the gifts, abilities, and life God has given you. If you want to push me over the edge…ask to have the conversation about your potential and THEN do nothing with it! 
2017 really can be the best year of your life! Not because you will secure the dream job, marry the perfect spouse, or make more money than you know what to do with…but because this can be the year you better utilize your God given gifts, abilities, and opportunities than ever before! This is honestly what I most want for myself, my family, and my church! I long to finish 2017 knowing we more fully leaned into being the people God made us and saved us to be! Understanding what God invested in me (The Gospel), I long to hear Him say, “Well done good and faithful servant!” 
Of all the tips and tricks for realizing your potential, there are few more important than who is with you and how you are interacting with them. But don’t take my word for it! Jesus declares that your love for God (the greatest commandment and catalyst for realizing potential) is inseparably tied to your love for people! 
Love God. Love People. That is the meaning of life! 
This month, we are going to talk about the importance of doing life together. Regardless of your age or marital status, you were not designed to do life alone. In a phrase, life is “better together.” So, this week we will consider Jesus’ teaching on The Greatest (and 2-part) Commandment. You can find His teaching in Matthew 22:34-40. To get a real sense of what Jesus is teaching, back up and read Matthew 22-23.
Hope to See You Sunday, 
Pastor Michael 
**P.S. Happy New Year
Scripture: Matthew 22:34-40
Scripture: Matthew 22-23
Article: Your Most Courageous Resolution
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