Good Friday to You, 
Do you see it? Maybe you should cover one eye. Stand on one leg? According to Michael Drosin, the Bible contains secret messages hidden in the sequencing of the letters in the Hebrew version of the Bible. It has been there all along, but it took the advent of the computer to “break” the code and decipher the secret code hidden in the Torah (the first five books of the Bible). Ironically, Drosin (in a letter to former President Obama) asserts he is not “religious.” So…he is not a person of faith, but he believes in a supernatural secret code contained in Scripture. It makes absolutely no sense! 
Drosin has now written three books based on his secret code: Bible Code (1998), Bible Code II (2003), and Bible Code III (2008). In the second, Drosin claims to have found foretelling of the World Trade Center attack. In the third, he claims to have found the prediction of Barack Obama’s election. In all three books, he cites events now in the past but supposedly predicted long ago in code. He also used his code to predict additional future events…but as you can guess…with far less accuracy and specificity. 
I can assure you…God did not hide a secret code in Scripture requiring a computer and complex algorithms to interpret. The Bible clearly tells the story of God’s mission to save His children. He established a nation of people. He became one of us. He died for us. He invited people to believe. You don’t need a decoder ring to read the Good News!
But there is a message that remains hidden (dare I say “secret”) to many of His children! Within the clear message of God delivering His people are many revelations for each of His children. From vigilantly reading the story of salvation, you can discover many specific messages from God to you! No computer required. No Bible college or seminary degree a prerequisite. 
So we know there is much we can learn from Scripture. But, as we ponder life’s biggest questions, does the Bible have anything to say?… like “Should I take this job?” or “Should I marry her?” or “Should I eat the last piece of lasagna?” Can it actually tell us God’s will for our lives…or are we on our own? 
Join us this weekend as we dig into that question. As always, I welcome you to get a head start. For this week, read 2 Timothy 3:10-17 ( 
Hope to see you Sunday, 
Pastor Michael
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