Good Friday to You, 
It is definitely a Top 10 story in my life… likely top 5! 
The Back Story 
God was working dramatically in my life. He had recently grabbed hold of my heart and I was now pursuing Him. Though I was young and had much room for growth, I was growing fast.
Carol Ann and I had been dating just over two weeks. When we started dating, it moved quickly. To my parents’ dismay, we were spending time together nearly every day. On the few days we were not together, we talked on the phone. Though both of us were still quite young, we had “learned our lesson” about dating and knew clearly what we were looking for in a spouse. It sounds ridiculous in such a short amount of time and at such a young age, but getting married had already entered our conversation. 
The Story 
I closed my Bible and shut off the light hanging near my bed. For the first time in my life, spending time in God’s Word was part of my daily routine. I slid out of my bed and onto my knees and began to pray. It wasn’t long before I realized a significant part of my regular prayer had disappeared. It went something like, “God, please send the right woman into my life.” 
It was absent because I had her! Suddenly, I realized I had quit seeking God because I was infatuated with her. My pursuit of Him was being dwarfed by my pursuit of her! 
I quickly shifted to a prayer of repentance. It went something like, “God, I am sorry. I have become infatuated with her, and I have quit pursuing You. I submit myself to you. I desire your best for my life. I again ask you to send the right woman into my life.” 
I remember thinking, “That was weird,” because the words were barely out of my mouth when the phone rang. It was back in the “dark ages” when we had one family line, and the phone hung on the wall…with a cord. I remember thinking, “Wouldn’t that be amazing if Carol Ann called at that exact moment.” However, I quickly dismissed the thought because it was well after 10pm, and my parents did not appreciate calls that late. 
“Michael,” Mom yelled downstairs, “It’s for you.” 
Though it has now been nearly 25 years, I will never forget saying, “Hello,” and then hearing Carol Ann respond with “Hi, what are you up to?” 
This weekend, I have the privilege of finishing our “How Do I Know?” teaching series. Spoiler alert: This event is one of the most dramatic ways God has used a circumstance to reveal His will for my life. However, interpreting life circumstances is The Most dangerous way to discern God’s will. Awesome…and… Dangerous! We’ll sort it out this Sunday. If you want to get a head start, read 1 Samuel 24:1-15 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/? search=1+Samuel+24:1-15&version=ESV). This account of David and Saul is a great example of how circumstances can be quite misleading. We’ll put all four steps together and create a simple (yet profound) plan for hearing from God!
Hope to see you Sunday, Pastor Michael
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