Bigger Than Me - Week 3

Sep 8, 2024    Jason Thrash

Check out these resources gathered by our Resource Team!


What is the Great Commission by R.C. Sproul

“After His resurrection, Jesus gave His followers a mission: to go to all the nations and make disciples. What does this Great Commission mean? How are disciples made? And does every Christian have a role to play? In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul explores the Great Commission by defining key terms such as the gospel, evangelism, missions, and discipleship. Dr. Sproul explains that disciple-making requires much more than just sharing the gospel, and two thousand years after Jesus' commission, this mission continues.”

Understanding the Great Commission by Jonathan Leeman and Mark Dever

“God means to fulfill the Great Commission through local churches. How did the apostles and the churches of the New Testament obey the Great Commission? By gathering Christians together in churches. The church is God’s plan for evangelism, discipleship, and the Great Commission. This connection between the Great Commission and the church dramatically impacts how both leaders and members should think about their work of making disciples. We do it together.”

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer 

“If God is in control of everything, can Christians sit back and not bother to evangelize? Or does active evangelism imply that God is not really sovereign at all? J. I. Packer shows in this new edition to the popular IVP Classics how both of these attitudes are false. In a careful review of the biblical evidence, he shows how a right understanding of God's sovereignty is not so much a barrier to evangelism as an incentive and powerful support for it.”

The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ by Ray Ortlund

“In this timely book, Pastor Ray Ortlund makes the case that gospel doctrine creates a gospel culture. In too many of our churches, it is the beauty of a gospel culture that is the missing piece of the puzzle. But when the gospel is allowed to exert its full power, a church becomes radiant with the glory of Christ.”


The Gospel Coalition - Divine Sovereignty: The Fuel of Death Defying Missions

Pastor David Platt explains how a high view of God’s sovereignty fuels death-defying devotion to global missions. Pastors who believe that God is sovereign over all things will lead Christians to die for the sake of all peoples in fulfilling the Great Commission. 

Desiring God - The Great Commission as a Means of Grace 

“Living on mission is not only an effect of God’s grace coming to us through the channels of his word, prayer, and fellowship, but it also becomes a means of his grace to us in the Christian life.”

The Gospel Coalition - The Great Commission We Overlook: How Luke 24 Compels the Church's Mission 

“The well-known verses in Matthew 28:18-20 have become synonymous with the Great Commission. In them, the risen Lord calls his people to make disciples of all nations as an expression of his supreme authority in heaven and on earth. This mission entails baptizing disciples and teaching them to heed Christ’s commands. But Matthew 28 is hardly a missiological solo. Luke’s version, while often overlooked, highlights important aspects of the church’s mission.”

Got Questions Ministries - What is the Great Commission?

The Great Commission from Jesus instructs Christians to make disciples while we are going through the world. These commands from the Lord are not optional for Christians. When we go, we must also baptize and teach new believers. 

Got Questions Ministries - How can a Christian Overcome the Fear of Witnessing?

We are commanded to be bold for Jesus so we must persevere one step at a time when we dispel our fears and share the gospel.

Radical - How Every Christian Can Participate in the Great Commission

God does not save us to take us straight to heaven. He leaves us in a world of urgent spiritual and physical needs for a finite amount of time, which is why we must give our lives sacrificially for the spread of the gospel.


Bible Project - The Gospel According to Matthew

This video explains Part of Matthew’s Gospel from Chapters 14-28. The video explains major themes of these chapters and helps individuals gain a deeper understanding of Matthew’s gospel in its place in the biblical story.

Engage Gospel Outreach - Penn Jillette Given a Bible 

Pastor Jason referenced this video during his sermon about our call to fulfill the Great Commission. Penn Jillette famously said, “How much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize? How much do you have to hate somebody to believe everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?” 

TGC Panel - The Church is Essential for Discipleship

“In their panel discussion at TGC's 2023 conference, J. T. English, Kyle Worley, and Jen Wilkin delve into the crucial role of discipleship in the local church, focusing on the importance of theological education and spiritual growth.” 


Francis Chan - Rethinking Church

“In one of his most powerful sermons on the church, Francis talks about the non-negotiable aspects of the church according to Scripture and what​ it means for the modern church.”

David Platt - Divine Sovereignty: The Fuel of Death Defying Missions

A pastor who believes that God is sovereign over all things will lead his people to be a death defying missional people. Our sovereign God holds the destiny of the world in the palm of his hand. Therefore, his shepherds should lead their people to pray confidently, give sacrificially, go intentionally and die willingly for the spread of the gospel message to those who have never heard.

R.C. Sproul - Sermons from Mark: The Great Commission

Jesus has commissioned His church to a global mission: to preach the gospel in all the world and to make disciples among the nations. In this sermon, Pastor Sproul concludes his series in the gospel of Mark.

Derek Thomas (Ligonier) - The Great Commission

After His resurrection, Jesus commanded His church to take the gospel to the ends of the earth and make disciples of all nations. In this session, Dr. Derek Thomas considers Matthew 28:18–20, showing how the Great Commission is simply an extension of what God was doing and promised to do in the Old Testament. Dr. Thomas also explains how God’s mission has relevance for us today.

Alistair Begg - The Great Commission

Before His ascension, Jesus established one of the church’s main priorities, which is to share the Gospel so that people will be converted, be baptized, grow in faith, and tell others the good news of salvation. Unfortunately, some churches have replaced this call to mission with a comfortable “maintenance” approach. Challenging all Christians to embrace Jesus’ Great Commission, Alistair Begg takes a closer look at the claim that only Christ can make, the command that only Christ can give, and the comfort that only Christ can provide.


Warehouse Podcast 

Welcome to The Warehouse! Has a Sunday sermon ever left you running to Google with new theological questions? Have you ever wished that you could peer behind the curtain to see how the message comes together? That’s where we come in! Here at Cornerstone Church, we spend hours every week talking about the Bible. This is the place to learn about Scripture, dive into its context, and study the Bible’s cultural background. Come to the Warehouse–where we’ll extend the stuff you learn from the stage. 

With the Perrys - How to Give the Gospel (Part 1) / How to Give the Gospel (Part 2)

“In our communication of the gospel message, many of us overemphasize the fall, leading the conversation by starting with our sin. We inherited sin, but we were not created to be sinful. It is wiser for us to begin the gospel conversation by communicating the nature of God – “God is good.” Join Jackie and Preston for a two-part conversation on engaging those around us with the gospel, and being anchored in love as we do so.” 

Risen Motherhood - What We’re Still Talking About 05: Evangelism

“​​Have you ever wanted to share the gospel with another mom, but held back out of fear? While some of us may have the God-given gift of evangelism (Eph. 4:11), all of us are called to make disciples—but what does this look like in the context of everyday mom life? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss what it means to be a faithful presence in our communities, showing our neighbors what it looks like to hope in Christ.”

Dad Tired - Life on Life Discipleship

“In this compelling episode, host Jerrad Lopes is joined by Preston Perry, a Chicago-based Bible teacher, apologist, and author, who shares his transformative journey of faith and the power of discipleship. This conversation is a deep dive into the essence of discipleship, evangelism, and living a life committed to Jesus, offering valuable insights for believers and seekers alike.”


Enduring Word Bible Commentary | Matthew Chapter 28

“Because Jesus has this authority, we are therefore commanded to go. It is His authority that sends us, His authority that guides us, and His authority that empowers us. His work and message would continue to the world through His disciples.”