Follow: Guard - Week 3

May 26, 2024    Michael Nave

Check out these resources gathered by our Resource Team!


Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the Church by Paul David Tripp

“For every celebrity pastor exiting the ministry in the spotlight, there are many more lesser-known pastors leaving in the shadows. Paul David Tripp argues that lurking behind every pastoral failure is the lack of a strong leadership community. Tripp gives churches twelve gospel principles necessary to combat this leadership crisis. Each of these principles, built upon characteristics such as humility, dependency, and accountability, will enable new and experienced leaders alike to focus their attention on the ultimate leadership model: the gospel.” This is a PERFECT book for the month of Guard, especially for people in leadership positions!


Ligonier Ministries - Set an Example (1 Timothy 4:12)

“We may not be in vocational ministry, but we all are witnesses for the gospel and we will minister to others from time to time. We are commanded, then, to live our lives in such a manner as never to allow our youthfulness to be the cause for others to despise us.”

Desiring God - Fit for Office: How Some Exercise Extends Ministry 

This article provides several reasons why Christians, and pastors in particular, exercise. “God gives us his commands to help us, not hinder us. The sixth commandment offers us the good life — the life where we care both for others and for ourselves. And pastors who care for their bodies are caring for and loving their flock. Do not kill: that is, preserve your life, within reason, as you are able. You’ll be happier in God, and he will be magnified in your life and church by your enriched joy in him.”

 Grace to You Ministries - Why Should I Attend Church?

“The New Testament repeatedly emphasizes the importance of local assemblies. In fact, it was the pattern of Paul's ministry to establish local congregations in the cities where he preached the gospel…Part of the emphasis in public worship includes these three things: hearing the Word, being called to obedience and action through exhortation, and teaching. It is only in the context of the local assembly that these things can most effectively take place.”

Open the Bible - What Does “Watch Your Life and Doctrine Closely” Mean?

“If you’re a leader, you know you have a holy calling to lead others. God has placed you in an important role for your small group, Sunday school class, church, or para-church ministry. As we move forward on the path of life, the dangers of sin inside of us and pressures outside tempt us to swerve off the road toward destruction.”

K-LOVE Pastors - 5 Ways to Set an Example for Others

“In today’s verse, the Apostle Paul instructs a young pastor named Timothy on just such a circumstance. Instead of worrying about the opinions of others, Paul encourages Timothy to live a life that is an excellent example for others. He shares five ways Timothy, and I believe you and me, can go about doing this.”


Got Questions Ministries - Why is Sound Doctrine so Important? 

“What is doctrine and is sound doctrine important? Also, in reference Christian theology and biblical doctrine, what makes the difference between good doctrine, bad doctrine and false doctrine? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers those questions, and explains why sound doctrine is important from a biblical perspective.”

John Whittaker - Spiritual Disciplines: Training for Godliness (1 Timothy 4:7-8)

“This video discusses spiritual growth which takes intentional effort. It doesn’t happen by accident. It requires spiritual disciplines. Are you in shape or out of shape spiritually?”

Bible Project - Book of 1 Timothy Summary

“In 1 Timothy, Paul shows Timothy how to restore order and purpose to the church in Ephesus which has been disrupted by false teachers.”


Michael Nave -  Two Become One: A Profound Partnership

This is an old Cornerstone sermon on Ephesians 5:22-33. Two become one results in a profound partnership for mutual growth and flourishing. In light of this passage, complementarianism is a Cornerstone conviction. The undeniable message in this passage and the profound partnership of marriage is mutually seeking the benefit of one’s spouse (the overflow of verse 21 – “submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ”). Mutually, wives and husbands are called to submit their desires and freedoms to serve the good and growth of their spouses.

Steve Palframan (w/ the Gospel Coalition) - Train for Godliness

““Train for godliness because the Devil hates you.” — Steve Palframan

In this sermon, Steve Palframan preaches on 1 Timothy 4:1–16, explaining what Paul’s exhortation to “train for godliness” means.”

Alistair Begg - The Distinctives of a Man of God (1 Timothy 4:1-16)

“Many people are searching for spiritual teachers that will tell them what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear. Alistair Begg reminds us that those who teach must be devoted to Scripture and the pursuit of godly character so that they can preach with integrity and confidence. Pastors and church leaders must be nourished in the deep truths of the faith and persevere in godliness, because the salvation of those who listen is at stake.”

John MacArthur - Qualities of an Excellent Servant (Full 5-Part Series)

“Political power brokers and successful CEOs—they’re what the world thinks of when it thinks “leader.” What’s more, churches often seem to take their cues from the Fortune 500 and Capitol Hill—not God’s Word—when it comes to shepherding their people. What does it take to be a leader by God’s definition? What traits should people see in you—what characteristics should shine through—if you’re going to effectively guide and nurture others? The overarching principle: Christian leaders are, first of all, servants.”

Charles Spurgeon - The Profit of Godliness in This Life 

“A sermon delivered by C.H. Spurgeon, Lord's day morning, June 19th 1870. This is the first of two connected sermons. The next one concerns the next life in glory. This one looks at the important effect of holiness in this life.”


Warehouse Podcast 

Welcome to The Warehouse! Has a Sunday sermon ever left you running to Google with new theological questions? Have you ever wished that you could peer behind the curtain to see how the message comes together? That’s where we come in! Here at Cornerstone Church, we spend hours every week talking about the Bible. This is the place to learn about Scripture, dive into its context, and study the Bible’s cultural background. Come to the Warehouse–where we’ll extend the stuff you learn from the stage.

Spoken Gospel - 1 Timothy 4: How to Save Yourself

Paul tells Timothy that through his striving and toil, he can save both himself and his church. Seth and David talk about what it means to save yourself and how God's power to save is only enhanced when he chooses to use men and women like us.

The 4:8 Men Podcast

“Are you ready to build a strong body AND a strong faith? Christian Huff (husband of Sadie Robertson) harnesses his passion for faith, family, and fitness to help you train physically and spiritually. 1 Timothy 4:8 says physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things. Join the community of 4:8 Men, and be encouraged as we work together to live a life worthy of the one God calls us to.” Also available on Spotify and Apple. They have episodes on guarding against lust and shame, being self-controlled, leading their families, etc.

She Reads Truth - 1 & 2 Timothy: Week 1 

“On this week’s episode, Raechel and Amanda kick off week 1 of 1 & 2 Timothy with guest and friend Scott Sauls, author and Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church. As they read through the first four chapters of 1 Timothy, they set the context for Paul’s letters to his young protege, Timothy and discuss their relationship. Join them as they discuss how important being rooted in God’s Word is for living out the gospel. 


What is Complementarianism?

Guiding document for the four different views of the roles of men and women in the church. At Cornerstone, we hold to a complementarian view—read this to find out why!

Precept Austin - Commentaries & Overview of 1 Timothy

Challies (Blog) - Set An Example In Your Speech

“Timothy’s challenge is your challenge. Today’s world gives you more opportunities than ever to use your words—to express them face to face, to type them into Facebook, to tap them into a text message, to speak them through Snapchat. You communicate constantly and every one of your words matters. Every one of your words displays your heart. Do your words set an example for others to imitate?”