Make a Home in Jesus

May 19, 2024    Morgan Jones

Check out these resources gathered by our Resource Team!


Hidden Worldviews: Eight Cultural Stories That Shape Our Lives by Steve Wilkens & Mark Sanford 

“The authors show how to detect the individualism, consumerism, nationalism, moral relativism, scientific naturalism, New Age thinking, postmodern tribalism and salvation as therapy that fly under our radar.” This book is great at explaining worldviews that we encounter often, but rarely identify, even within “Christian” culture. This is an easy read with relatively short chapters, but very thought provoking on which, and how, worldviews influence us.

So What’s the Difference? by Fritz Ridenour

“So What's the Difference? gives you easy-to-understand, nonjudgmental answers to the question, ‘How does orthodox biblical Christianity differ from other faiths?’”. This is a basic introduction to many other world views and religions to read before heading off into a new college setting where many of these will be reflected in a more diverse world.

New Morning Mercies for Teens: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul David Tripp

“Teenagers today face unprecedented and complex challenges in their lives and relationships. Parents and youth leaders can offer valuable Christian guidance, but it’s in Scripture that we encounter the wisdom of Jesus, new and sufficient for that day’s difficulty and temptation.”

Foundations - Teen Devotional: A 260-Day Bible Reading Plan for Busy Teens by Robby Gallaty

“With Foundations, students can read through all 66 of the miraculous books of the Bible in one year, while still having the flexibility of reading 5 days per week. Along with supplementary devotional content each day, they can experience the miracle of reading and responding to the entirety of God’s Word. By using the H.E.A.R. journaling method, students will be guided through Highlighting, Explaining, Applying, and Responding to passages, allowing for practical application throughout the year-long plan.”


Got Questions - Why do you need to guard your heart above all else (Proverbs 4:23)?  

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” These words of wisdom from King Solomon emphasize the importance of protecting our innermost being. Our heart is the source of our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and actions. Therefore, it is crucial to guard our hearts above all else.” This article shares why “our hearts have a significant impact on our relationship with God” and “why it is imperative to guard our hearts” as it “impacts our relationship with others”.

Got Questions - What is spiritual maturity? 

“After salvation, every Christian begins the process of spiritual growth, with the intent to become spiritually mature. According to the apostle Paul, it’s an ongoing process… to press continually toward deeper knowledge of God in Christ.” Paul’s letters explain the need to reorder our priorities and walk by the Spirit.

Michael Kruger - What Can Christians Do to Survive in College?

“What can Christians do to survive in college? Dr. Michael Kruger provides practical advice and encouragement for believers on keeping the faith while faced with doubt in college.”

Gospel Coalition - Daniel’s 3 Tips for Surviving the University of Babylon

“If we enjoy table fellowship that orients our hearts around worship of the one true God, we’ll find the power to stand strong when we face a fiery furnace or a lions’ den. Though you face trial, tribulation, and the social sword, don’t be afraid. The God who placed Daniel in Babylon also leads you and will be with you.”


Focus on the Family - Preparing Teens to Bring Peace to Their Chaotic World with Ray Vander Laan

This video interview with R.V.L. was produced by Focus on the Family, and connects themes from the stories of David and three teens from the book of Daniel known as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Discover your “stones” and be true to God through it, “even if”.

Switch Youth - I Am the True Vine

This is an excellent explanation of what it means for us to experience life in the true vine (Jesus) while bearing “good fruit”, and why “pruning” isn’t punishment, but necessary to become “fruitful”. God’s kingdom looks like “wrong things being made right… starting with the wrongs things in me”.


John Piper - Prayer Vocalizes Our Abiding in Christ 

This is a sermon by John Piper based on the understanding of prayer through the scripture of John 15:1-11. He discusses six ways that we abide in Christ. Abiding requires love, love leads to pruning, and pruning to joy- “...let me never be content until my joy in you bears fruit in the joy of others in you”.

 Josh Surratt - What Does It Mean To Guard Your Heart?

“Proverbs 4:23 says "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." But what does it mean to guard your heart? Pastor Josh Surratt explains what it means to guard your heart and then explains how to guard your heart so that your life and relationships are healthy.” 


Warehouse Podcast 

Welcome to The Warehouse! Has a Sunday sermon ever left you running to Google with new theological questions? Have you ever wished that you could peer behind the curtain to see how the message comes together? That’s where we come in! Here at Cornerstone Church, we spend hours every week talking about the Bible. This is the place to learn about Scripture, dive into its context, and study the Bible’s cultural background. Come to the Warehouse–where we’ll extend the stuff you learn from the stage. 

Slow Theology - Nurturing a Non-Reactive Theology

What happens when your theological heroes change their mind, let you down, or leave the faith? It can be uncomfortable, sometimes devastating. In keeping with the theme of "slow theology," AJ and Nijay address this struggle and encourage a non-reactive theology. Great resource for when our faith and beliefs are challenged. 

Slow Theology - When Theology Leads Us Away from God

Theology is good, Nijay and AJ are both academics and affirm that their engagement with theological and biblical scholarship overall has strengthened and stretched their faith in healthy ways. But can critical theological study actually be a detriment to faith? What exactly is the problem? Nijay and AJ have a special conversation about what goes wrong when theology leads us away from God. Very helpful for people starting to navigate how to make their faith their own and how to wrestle with hard questions. 


"Eyes Locked on the King" by Abbie Gamboa

"Boxes" by Kim Walker-Smith