Colossians: Christ Over All - Week 2

Sep 22, 2024    Dustin Keele

Check out these resources gathered by our Resource Team!


Bible Project - Colossians: A Christology Worth Singing

“Paul knows that true and ultimate devotion to Jesus doesn’t come primarily from being commanded, but rather from being enraptured by the beauty and profound love of Jesus. It makes perfect sense why Paul moves into a poem that is all about—can you guess?—the power and love of Jesus.” 

3 Things You Should Know about Colossians

“We cannot understand an email or text message unless we know its background, context, and purpose. Similarly, we cannot understand Paul’s letter to the Colossians unless we grasp its background, context, and purpose.”

Answers in Genesis - How Colossians 1 Combated Erroneous Teaching in the Church

“In order to combat the erroneous teaching that was infiltrating the church in Colossae, Paul reminded them of the centrality and supremacy of Jesus Christ and what He has accomplished for us.”


Louie Giglio: The Book of Colossians

This video posted by Passion Equip is an introduction to and purpose of Paul’s letter to the church in Colossae.

Bible Project - Book of Colossians Summary: A Complete Animated Overview

“Watch the overview video on the book of Colossians, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Colossians, Paul encourages the Colossian Christians to see Jesus as the center of all reality, so they don’t give in to pressure from other religions.”

Spoken Gospel - Colossians: The Bible Explained

“Watch this introduction video on the book of Colossians, which outlines the book's main theme and how it is fulfilled in Jesus. "Jesus is not enough." This was the message of a group of Colossian heretics. So, the apostle Paul writes to correct the error and remind a church in crisis that Jesus is always enough. He is the center of reality, in him all things hold together, and only through him is there freedom from the powers of guilt and shame.” 

Biblical Study w/ Professor N.T. Wright - APOSTLE PAUL: Letter to the Colossians 

“Explore the glorious truth found in Paul’s Letter to the Colossians, and how to apply its wisdom to your everyday life. N.T Wright is a current English New Testament scholar and Pauline theologian.” 

The Bible Effect: Colossians Historical Background - Why Colossians Was Written

This animated video provides a historical and theological understanding of the “culture and historical setting of ancient Colossae, and how their beliefs of mysticism and dualism crept into their faith”.

Desiring God - Look at the Book: Colossians

This is a playlist of John Piper teaching through the book of Colossians. Each short video works through a small segment of the chapters.


Louie Giglio - Colossians: The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ

“Written with the single purpose to display the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus, the book of Colossians answers the two questions every person asks: Who am I? Why am I here? Pastor Louie Giglio takes us through the book of Colossians to find the answers to these questions; the answers to which determine the direction and quality of all of our lives.”

John Piper - The Supremacy of Christ in Everything

“If you embrace a Christ who is big enough and clear enough — the way Paul shows him to be in Colossians 1:15–20 — you will have a theological, spiritual, biblical vaccination against a hundred Christ-diminishing, Christ-distorting errors — and they will not be getting fewer in the last days.” 

Matt Chandler - The Gospel is in the Air

“All things were created through Christ and for Christ. His atoning work on the cross was for the sins of humankind and the redemption of creation. We now herald this good news to the world around us, especially the places God has placed us in—our work, our homes, and our cities. We exist to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus Christ.”

TGC - Peter Adam - Colossians 1: The Supremacy and Sufficiency of Christ

“Peter Adam preaches from Colossians 1 and explores the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ as the head of the church. He emphasizes the importance of understanding Christ’s role in creation, redemption, and sustaining all things. The sermon also delves into the mystery of Christ, which has been revealed to the saints, and the responsibility of believers to live in a manner worthy of the Lord, growing in knowledge and spiritual wisdom.”


Warehouse Podcast 

Welcome to The Warehouse! Has a Sunday sermon ever left you running to Google with new theological questions? Have you ever wished that you could peer behind the curtain to see how the message comes together? That’s where we come in! Here at Cornerstone Church, we spend hours every week talking about the Bible. This is the place to learn about Scripture, dive into its context, and study the Bible’s cultural background. Come to the Warehouse–where we’ll extend the stuff you learn from the stage. 

Spoken Gospel - Colossians Introduction 

“Colossians tells us that Jesus is the center of reality. The church at Colossae kept believing that their truest self was found in certain religious, physical, or spiritual practices. If they just fasted, if they just experienced God in a particular way, or if they celebrated a particular festival, then they would be whole. Seth and David talk about how Jesus is enough. In Christ, the fullness of God, wholeness, and spiritual lives. Whatever we want in this reality, can be found in Jesus.” 

Nancy Guthrie - Greg Beale on How to Teach Colossians

“Anyone who has read books by Beale will not be surprised that in Colossians he finds allusions to the temple as well as the theme of the new creation breaking into our lives in the now. In our conversation, Beale discusses the false teaching at the heart of the book, Christian maturity as the point of the book, and union with Christ as the key to the book.”