Follow: Grow - Week 4

Jun 30, 2024    Nick Volkening

Check out these resources gathered by our Resource Team!


Crossway - What Does 2 Timothy 1:7 Mean?

“To persevere in painful, puzzling times, disciples need more than a pep talk; we need power that comes from God himself. That’s why Paul reminds his spiritual son “to fan into flame the gift of God” (2 Tim. 1:6). We kindle the divine gift by prayerfully and persistently pursuing joyful communion with the divine Giver and by serving others in the strength that he supplies.” 

Desiring God - Lay Aside the Weight of Passivity

“It’s clear in the New Testament that the Holy Spirit wants us to prepare to fight a grueling war, to run an endurance race, and to engage in the difficult work of kingdom farming. Paul captures all three analogies in his exhortation to Timothy.”

Gospel Coalition - Use your Gifts in the Local Church

“Explore using your gifts in your church first. When we invest our gifts in our churches, we devote ourselves to what will last. Let your Christian brothers and sisters help you discern if it’s a good time to employ a gift or seek to use it on a broader scale. And listen when they tell you to reserve some of your best time, energy, and resources for your own people in real time.”

Desiring God -  Habits of Grit: Athletics, Grace, and the Christian Work Ethic

“However firsthand your experience as a soldier, athlete, or farmer, Scripture stands ready to fill in, supplement, recast, or override our personal experiences (or lack thereof) and teach us a Christian work ethic — for our own joy, the good of others, and the glory of Christ.”

Ligonier Ministries - Three Things You Should Know about 1 and 2 Timothy

Michael Brown discusses the difference between Paul’s Pastoral Epistles and his epistles to the churches. Paul sought to encourage young Pastor Timothy. He taught that: Sound doctrine matters. Courage is found in Christ. The Power is in God’s Word.


Bible Project - Book of 2 Timothy Summary: A Complete Animated Overview 

“Watch the  overview video on 2 Timothy, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In 2 Timothy, Paul is near execution and offers a personal challenge to Timothy to keep following Jesus no matter the sacrifice and risk.”

I’m in Way Over My Head! | 2 Timothy 1:6 | Our Daily Bread Video Devotional

“I just wonder how many of us today need to be reminded to keep going, to stoke the fire that God put in you. Don’t let it go out. Just because you’re facing adversity doesn’t mean your courage was in vain. It just means God’s not done.”

Jennie Allen - How to Find Your God-Given Gifts

You cannot “fan into flame” or steward your gifts if you do not know what they are! Join Jennie Allen as she walks her listeners through some strategies on how to discover their God-given gifts and how to use them!


Ray Ortlund - Guard the Good Deposit

“This message from 2 Timothy 1:3-8 was given at The Gospel Coalition’s 2018 West Coast Conference. Ray Ortlund emphasizes the need for personal connection and genuine care for others, reminding listeners of the lasting legacy of faithfulness and the importance of imparting it to future generations.”

John Piper - Feed the Flame of God's Gift

Listen to John Piper speak on 2 Timothy Chapters 1-2 at the Gospel Coalition National Conference.

Alistair Begg - Necessary Reminders (2 Timothy 1:5-7) 

“When Paul commended Timothy for his “sincere faith,” what did he mean? Alistair Begg emphasizes that faith is not about simply giving mental assent to facts. Rather, faith is a certainty in the promises of God and a commitment to the one who made them. Such sincere faith isn’t something we can manifest ourselves; it is only made possible through God’s initiative-taking grace and is grounded in Jesus. Do you have that kind of faith?”

Charles Spurgeon - A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ

“For what is a soldier? A soldier is a practical man, a man who has work to do, and hard, stern work. He may sometimes, when he is at his ease, wear the fineries of war, but when he comes to real warfare he cares little enough for them…Truly to serve God, really to exhibit Christian graces, fully to achieve a lifework for Christ, actually to win souls—this is to bear fruit worthy of a Christian.”


Warehouse Podcast 

Welcome to The Warehouse! Has a Sunday sermon ever left you running to Google with new theological questions? Have you ever wished that you could peer behind the curtain to see how the message comes together? That’s where we come in! Here at Cornerstone Church, we spend hours every week talking about the Bible. This is the place to learn about Scripture, dive into its context, and study the Bible’s cultural background. Come to the Warehouse–where we’ll extend the stuff you learn from the stage. 

Spoken Gospel - 1 & 2 Timothy Introduction

The apostle Paul has left a young Timothy in charge of a church filled with false teachers. Paul calls this church "God's House," and Timothy's role as a member of that house is to make sure it meets the standards and expectations of their heavenly Father. Seth and David talk about the broken leadership inside the Ephesians church and the hope a godly home brings to the world around it.

She Reads Truth - 1 & 2 Timothy (Week 3)

“In this episode, Raechel and Amanda as they wrap up the third and final week of the 1 & 2 Timothy reading plan. The co-hosts dig into Paul’s second letter to Timothy and discuss the apostle’s concluding instructions, which charge Timothy to stay committed to the gospel, no matter what. Join them as they discuss the importance of Paul’s warnings and encouragements for Timothy—and for us.”

Pray the Word w/ David Platt - Power, Love, & Self-Control

This podcast encourages us to look at any spirit of fear operating in us. It challenges us to assess how our thoughts, desires, actions, or lack of actions are driven by a perspective of fear.


2 Timothy 1 - A Spirit of Boldness (Enduring Word Bible Commentary)

“In 1 and 2 Timothy there are no less than 25 different places where Paul encouraged Timothy to be bold, to not shy away from confrontation, to stand up where he needs to stand up and be strong. Because of who Timothy was and the responsibilities he had to bear, this was what Timothy needed to hear.”

2 Timothy 2 - Advice to a Young Pastor (Enduring Word Bible Commentary)

“One may say that everything that a pastor does in his ministry he should train others to do. There are no duties of a pastor so holy or so secret that he should keep them all to himself. He should always seek to spread ministry to others, and to train others to do the work of the ministry.”


How to Endure Hardship: The Soldier, the Athlete, and the Farmer | Man In The Mirror Blog

“Someone is waiting for you to walk with him through the struggles he’s now facing—and looking to you to help prepare him for the struggles he will face. Maybe it’s the soldier fighting a war. Maybe it’s the athlete pushing himself to his limits. Maybe it’s a farmer sensing another storm is on the way. Will you step into his hardship and help him endure it? I thank God that in our weakness, He is strong, and that He gives us Pauls and Timothys along the way.”

Fan Into Flame God's Gift | Living Truth Devotional

“God has graced us all with a spiritual gift; He has given us the equipment. If we are honest, we may like the idea of disciple-making, compassion and missions but do not actually like doing disciple-making, compassion ministry and missions. We may like the idea of Jesus, but do we actually join Him in His ministry, exercising the gifts He has placed within each of us?”


"Fan the Flame" (Official Lyric Video) - HopeFront Music