Seen. Known. Loved. - Love Lessons

Jul 28, 2024    Michael Nave

Here is the resource on Relational Circuits put together by Pastor Dustin!

And here are some great resources gathered by our Resource Team:


The Other Half of Church by Jim Wilder & Michel Hendricks

“Join Michel and Jim's journey as they couple brain science with the Bible to identify how to overcome spiritual stagnation by living a full-brained faith. You'll also learn the four ingredients necessary to develop and maintain a vibrant transformational community where spiritual formation occurs, relationships flourish, and the toxic spread of narcissism is eradicated.” This book was part of the inspiration for our “Seen. Known. Loved” sermon series!

Abide by Jen Wilkin

“How can we hold onto assurance of our faith? How can we discern the truth from a lie? How can we know God loves us? In three short letters, the apostle John reminds an early church facing division, deception, and doubt to hold fast to what they know and to live like they believe it. And he reminds us, as well. In this 10-session Bible study on the letters of 1, 2, and 3, John, Jen Wilkin helps you see how two thousand years later, his words call to Christians in similar challenges to recall a great salvation and to abide in the truth.”


Desiring God - The Powerful Root of Practical Love

“There is a great God of grace who magnifies his own infinite beauty and self-sufficiency by fulfilling promises to helpless people who trust him. And there is a power that comes from prizing this God that leaves no nook or cranny of life untouched. It empowers us to love in the most practical ways.”


Bible Project- Agape/Love

“Biblical love refers to more than just a feeling. It's about caring for someone regardless of their response, and it's modeled perfectly by Jesus.”

Louie Giglio - Love One Another

“A short sermon excerpt on the radical nature of agape love. The Church will be known by her love, so we have the honor of loving each other.”

Bible Project - 1-3 John Summary: A Complete Animated Overview

“Watch our overview video on the letters of John, which breaks down the literary design of the books and their flow of thought. John calls followers of Jesus to share in God's own life and love by devoting themselves to loving one another.”


David Platt - Captivated and Compelled by Love

“In this sermon from 1 John 3: 11–24, David Platt urges us to reflect on God’s love and then demonstrate this love in the way we serve others. This kind of selfless love is a mark of every true child of God.”

Matt Chandler - Love of Neighbor

“Loving our neighbor means reflecting the grace, mercy, and generosity we have personally received from God in the spaces in which we’ve been purposefully placed.”

John MacArthur - True Christians Love One Another

“Jesus demonstrated that greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Jesus did that. We’re to love in the same sacrificial way. We’re to love so that we bring life, not death. We’re to love so that we bring affection not hatred. We’re to love so that we meet needs sacrificially, not be indifferent.”

Tim Keller - The Marks of a Christian

“The idea of becoming God’s child through His grace emphasizes the importance of being good and caring about each other, warning us not to ignore others like Cain did. The powerful truth of being part of God’s family questions the thought of not having any religious or spiritual beliefs, highlighting that everyone has beliefs rooted in faith, with Christianity concentrating on recognizing our spiritual roots. God wants us to show our belief through love and togetherness.”


Warehouse Podcast 

Welcome to The Warehouse! Has a Sunday sermon ever left you running to Google with new theological questions? Have you ever wished that you could peer behind the curtain to see how the message comes together? That’s where we come in! Here at Cornerstone Church, we spend hours every week talking about the Bible. This is the place to learn about Scripture, dive into its context, and study the Bible’s cultural background. Come to the Warehouse–where we’ll extend the stuff you learn from the stage.

Spoken Gospel - Are You a Son of the Devil? 

“There is an ancient battle between children of God and children of Satan that stretches back to the garden of Eden. And John uses this ancient battle to encourage a community under threat. Seth and David talk about what it means to be a child of God and why being righteous and loving one another is good news for people afraid, persecuted, and unsure if they belong to God.”

Knowing Faith - Brothers and Sisters: More Than a Metaphor

“Jen Wilkin, JT English, and Kyle Worley come back to one of their most popular topics; brothers and sisters. When we say “we need each other,” what does that mean? What are the threats and liabilities of relationships? What about not having these relationships? Why are we using family-oriented language in this conversation? Listen to find out!”

Made for This w/ Jennie Allen - How to Love When It's Hard 

“How do I love the people who are hard to love? Let’s talk about it. This is not easy stuff we’re talking about, but it matters. I want to take on the world and love others like Jesus. We can radically love because we are radically loved by God.”

He's Where the Joy Is Podcast

“In today’s episode, Tara-Leigh reads 1 John 3 and shares a quick devotional overview of the text."


The Gospel Coalition - 1 John Commentary by Ray Van Neste