Seen. Known. Loved. - Let's See Some ID

Aug 4, 2024    Michael Nave

Check out these resources gathered by our Resource Team!


The Other Half of Church by Jim Wilder & Michel Hendricks

“Join Michel and Jim's journey as they couple brain science with the Bible to identify how to overcome spiritual stagnation by living a full-brained faith. You'll also learn the four ingredients necessary to develop and maintain a vibrant transformational community where spiritual formation occurs, relationships flourish, and the toxic spread of narcissism is eradicated.” This book was part of the inspiration for our “Seen. Known. Loved” sermon series!


Desiring God - Rescued from the Sea of Self

“Are you lost in a sea of self-absorption, or are you pushing against the grain to see how God is at work in others’ lives around you? Take hold of the truths of God’s word and look to our ultimate example — the most unselfish person who has ever lived — seeking to be one who delights in considering others first, rather than self.”

Gospel Coalition - What is Mindless Christianity?

“It is not exciting; it is not glamorous; it is not something we naturally desire for ourselves; and yet here it is.—The Christian mind is above all the humble mind.”

Tabletalk Magazine - Pride and Humility in Scripture 

“The greatest example of humility in Scripture is the Lord Jesus Christ. We are instructed to follow His example. Like Jesus, we are to “do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than [ourselves]” (Phil. 2:3). Imagine what the church might look like if Christians would begin to do this in significant numbers.”

9 Marks - Put Others' Interests Above Your Own

Professor Brian Vickers (SBTS) discusses what the Apostle Paul believed life should look like for Christians and church members. Church members who are Christians should show and minister Christ to each other.


Bible Project - Book of Philippians Summary: A Complete Animated Overview 

"In Philippians, Paul thanks the Philippian Christians for their generosity and shares how they are all called to imitate Jesus’ self-giving love.”

Spoken Gospel - Philippians 2:1-13 | Humility Like Jesus Bible Study 

“This Bible study devotional covers Philippians 2:1-13. In this passage, we read that Jesus humbled himself for the sake of others. Instead of grabbing for power, he lowers himself to serve. His followers have the privilege to follow his example and fight division with unity that comes from humility.”

Look at the Book - Look to the Interests of Others (Philippians 2:4)

“Look at the Book is a new online method of teaching the Bible. It’s an ongoing series of 8–12 minute videos in which the camera is on the text, not the teacher. You will hear John Piper’s voice and watch his pen underline, circle, make connections, and scribble notes—all to help you learn to read God’s word for yourself.”


John Piper - The Mind of Christ: Looking Out for the Interests of Others 

“Jesus calls his people to the same humble service he so beautifully displayed in his life and death.”

Alistair Begg - Living in Harmony

“Contemporary culture often touts a “do whatever it takes to win” mentality. Paul, however, exhorted Christians to strive for unity by practicing genuine humility and charity. Enjoying the blessings of Christ’s love and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit ought to lead us to express godly mercy and compassion to others with the goal of edifying rather than conquering.”

Sinclair Ferguson - Unity Matters (Philippians 2:1-4)

“...So let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others. Sweet harmony is the most difficult thing in the world, and yet the medicine for it is the simplest: don't put your own interests first.”

Calvin Whitman - Jesus Wants Humble Service (Lifeway Resource)

Whitman shares a viewpoint from the Apostle Paul on Paul’s direction on how Christians at the Church in Philippi should live. Paul encourages Christians to use Jesus as their example and explains how Christians can successfully live the Christian life while following Christ.


Warehouse Podcast 

Welcome to The Warehouse! Has a Sunday sermon ever left you running to Google with new theological questions? Have you ever wished that you could peer behind the curtain to see how the message comes together? That’s where we come in! Here at Cornerstone Church, we spend hours every week talking about the Bible. This is the place to learn about Scripture, dive into its context, and study the Bible’s cultural background. Come to the Warehouse–where we’ll extend the stuff you learn from the stage.

With the Perrys - Practicing Humility

“Pride is an illusion wrapped in a lie, and it's in each of us. It’s our desire for total independence from our Creator, and it makes us feel good because we feel secure and capable. But it never satisfies in the way we think it will. In this episode, Preston and Jackie discuss how keeping God as our reference point is the only way to embrace true humility.”

Bible Project - One Family Once More

“One of the main goals of the Gospel of Jesus is to unify diverse peoples into one family. It’s been God’s plan since the beginning! Communities of Jesus followers must pursue and promote unity and the proactive healing of division in their midst—it’s part of what defines Jesus’ disciples.”

Pray the Word w/ David Platt - Triumphant Gospel Community

David Platt discusses a powerful, triumphant picture of the gospel and the effects of the gospel in creating a totally different kind of community. 

Pray the Word w/ David Platt - A Call to Selflessness (Philippians 2:4)

David Platt discusses how we can look not only to our own interests but also to the interests of others, as Jesus did.


Enduring Word Commentary | Philippians 2 - Humble Living in Light of Jesus' Humble Example

Bridgeway Bible Commentary | Philippians 2:1-11

Matthew Henry via Blue Letter Bible (Philippians 2)